

It could be a single family residence ("SFR") like a single house, a duplex, triplex, or fourplex. It could be undeveloped land or even a commercial building.

Yes, there are many steps in the process, and that's exactly why I'm here.

Here is a brief summary of steps


Are you selling for the money? For some, it's to downsize because their adult children finally got a job and are moving out next month. For others, they've decided now is the time to take their hard-earned equity and put it into something that works for them, and live a little.

Yes, there are many steps in the process, and that's exactly why I'm here.

Here is a brief summary of steps


Yes, it's easy to go online and find an apartment.

But, what if you want to live in a house for about the same monthly expense? Well, there are homes listed on the Market by Real Estate Brokers that we can check out. This way the owner is represented by a Broker, and you'll be represented by a Broker. If you like it, then I'll draw up the lease docs, and you've got yourself a home.

DIY (not good)

     Thinking about diving into the wild world of real estate all by yourself?  Not good! 'Cause you're about to embark on a magical journey filled with landmines, hidden fees, and sellers who can smell your desperation & ignorance like a pack of wolves smelling fear.

     Picture this: You're all excited about this charming little house you found online. But guess what? It's not so charming when you discover the basement is haunted, and by haunted, I mean infested with a family of raccoons throwing late-night parties. So, you might want to consider getting yourself a real estate agent - and a good one - a great one!

     These people are like your real-life superhero realtors – they know the market like the back of their hand, they can sniff out a shady deal from a mile away, and they're not afraid to tackle a rogue raccoon if needed. Trust me, in the jungle of real estate, you want a guide, not a sacrificial lamb. So, do yourself a favor and let a real estate agent be your hilarious, yet serious, sidekick in this chaotic comedy of home buying. It's either that or become the star of your very own tragic real estate sitcom. Your call! 

Ready to meet in person?